Thursday, 28 March 2013

Sometimes, all it takes is one phone call to help you change your life. Below is a list of helplines that can get you into addiction treatment, or to a safe place to wait for help. Not all of these hotlines are available 24/7 or 7 days a week.  If one number does not connect, just try the next one.
  1. 1-800-999-9999 National Directory of Hotlines and Crisis Intervention Centers
  2. 1-800-662-HELP Drug and Alcohol Rehab/Treatment Referral Service
  3. Alcoholics Anonymous 24 hour helplines by zip code
  4. Narcotics Anonymous hotlines and helplines
  5. 1-800-356-9996 Al-Anon & Alateen crisis line
  6. 1-800-COCAINE National Cocaine Hotline, 24-hour counseling and referral
  7. 1-800-9-HEROIN National Heroin Hotline
  8. 1-888-MARIJUA National Marijuana Hotline
  9. 1-800-273-TALK National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
  10. 1-800-WORKPLACE Drug-Free Workplace Help

If any viewers know of any other helpful hotlines, please feel free to add them in the comment section.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Be Supportive

BY:Zachary gorrin
I don’t think people feel comfortable reaching out to get help….. I think the main reason is because no one wants to admit they need HELP. Everyone in life has an issue it may not be drugs it may not be alcohol it may not be sex but understand everyone needs help with something. No one can make you do something you don’t want to.  YOU are the only person that can change yourself and you have to want to change yourself.  This blog is For every person out their dealing with drug abuse  ,the main issue is CRACK ABUSE  know that you need to be supportive and there for the person because they need help remember and anger isn’t  a real  emotion it does no good for anyone .  I f it’s a loved one or a friend or even a stranger don’t be negative and should hate and judgement but feel for the person as if it was one of your own children or brother or sister because that person is to someone out there. 

Be Supportive

Monday, 18 March 2013

Crack Cocaine's Long-Term Side Effects



Lung Cancer

Feedback .....

I am doing this blog because I truly care and want to connect with anyone who can relate to this…… please share with me…. I have a family member using crack cocaine and its horrible …… I understand what you might be going through trust me…… any feedback I would value and appreciate….

Do you know

Does anybody think they have  a loved one or a friend using crack cocaine?
IF so do you know how to help this person????

Signs ...... Be Aware

For anyone who has a friend or family member who they think are experimenting or using crack cocaine here are signs that I hope will help you be able to get your answer.

 Signs of Addiction to Crack Cocaine

1) Loss of Interest in People/Things

2) Mood Changes

3) Frequent Upper Respiratory Infections

4) Weight loss/Decline in Physical Appearance

5) Dilated Pupils/Increased Body Temperature




Read more:


Crack Cocaine causes

Dilated Pupils and Excessive Sweating

When smoking Crack Cocaine


May make you lose consciousness and slip into a coma. A coma is a state when the person is unconscious and unresponsive to the outside environment.

Smoking Crack Cocaine also causes Cardiovascular Symptoms


 The Symptoms include increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and heart attacks. The increased blood pressure may also lead to a stroke. The high blood pressure can also lead to internal damage and cause the kidneys to fail.

Then the absolute worst thing could happen from smoking crack.


 An overdose….

Unfortunately crack users don’t realize, don’t care or just don’t want to believe, crack cocaine overdose often leads to death. Most commonly the death is from a heart attack. This can occur even if it’s the persons is a first-time user of the drug or in people who have already developed a tolerance to cocaine.

 Reference Links



Read more:

Friday, 15 March 2013

What is Crack Cocaine


Crack cocaine is the crystal form of cocaine, which normally comes in a powder form to start (Cocaine) and then people cook it back to form the crystal turning the coke to crack. Crack is heated and smoked. It is named  CRACK because it makes a cracking or popping sound when heated. Crack, Is  the most potent form in which cocaine appears, is also the riskiest. It is between 75% and 100% pure, far stronger and more potent than regular cocaine. Smoking crack allows it to reach the brain more quickly .


What are the short-term effects of crack cocaine?



Crack Cocaine  causes a short, intense high that is that makes you feel good and powerful until it wears off and its  followed by the opposite an intense depression, and a  huge craving for more of the drug. People who use it often don’t eat or sleep well. They can have an increased heart rate, muscle spasms and convulsions. Crack can make people feel very paranoid, angry, hostile and anxious even when they aren’t high, it causes huge mood swings.


WHY IS CRACK COCAIN SO HIGHLY ADDICTING: check out this website to find out
click on the link below


People Care , There is hope

Hers a list of rehab centers that are diretyl for crack users... Just for anybody who has almost giving up hope ....Dont thier is always a solution hee it is:

Check these places please .... This isnt a negative place this is the first to changing your life for the better.



Please if there is anyone out there who feels strongly about this topic or who can relate please share, I am here to listen………. This is a very serious issue that occurs every day in life and we need to deal with this situation properly. That’s where I can hopefully help and give you suggestions if you would like to hear them.


Unfortunately there are many people that use crack cocaine. CRACK has many effects to using it, but the user is not the only one that is getting affected. The user is normally so caught up in worrying about getting their next fix that they don’t pay attention to what it’s doing to the family members and their loved ones. I personally know this is true because I have a family member currently a drug user and has been to rehab and has had multiple relapses. It is awful and that is why I feel so strong towards this subject. The point of this blog is to help family members and users deal and overcome these problems. It’s not about pointing fingers it’s about getting help and recognizing the issue.