Here are five questions that im going to use google analytics to help answer them.
(1) What s the bounce rate?
the percentage of people that land on your site and leave without visitig a second page. Its basically to see if you meet the expecatations of the veiwer or if its too boring or irrlevant to the reader. my bounce rate is 100%.
(5) where are my views located
My views are just from canada right now.
6.What is your most popular blog?
My career goals was the most popular blog. Im using google analytics to determine this.My time duration is 2:00 right now. I had 3 page views.
(7) What is your least popular blog?
My least popular blog is the welcome blog. I dont really understand why that is considering you would think people would want to know alittle bit about the persons blog thier viewing. I guess people just care more what you have to say then who is saying it. My time duration is 0:00 and i have no pageviews.